Saturday, July 14, 2012

Going Back to Romania, Friends!

Hello Everyone!
Thank you for everything you have done to help me with The World Race. Currently, I am on Month 11 in Nicaragua with my whole squad and after this month, I will be traveling to Nicaragua. I cannot express how much I appreciate how you have blessed me! �Because of the support you have given me, both financially and through prayer, I have been able to give it back to those I come in contact with. Thank you for everything!
Gypsy Children in Stoenesti, 15 mins from Draganesti � � � � � � � � � � Costea Family-Main Missionaries in Draganesti
From rachelmartin.theworldrace.orgFrom
As many of you may know, I came on The World Race to find where God was calling me long-term. I believe I have found that, but would like to be sure before I go long-term. Here are the details: I will be working in Draganesti-Olt, Romania, for 4 months, starting at the end of August, 2.5 weeks after I finish the World Race. �Draganesti-Olt currently has around 12,300 people, in which only 0.2% of the people are Bible-believing Christians. I will fly to Romania to work with the ministry I partnered with on my race Month 6 called "Hope Church" on August 25th. Hope Church is centered in the heart of the town, and the mission of Hope Church is for the Romanian people to see the love of Jesus. There are many branches to the ministry, but my specific ministry would be teaching English and working with gypsy children in villages outside of town. While I was there, I started an English program and would like to continue that.
I am NOT going with Adventures in Missions. I am going out on my own relying on the Lord for my support and help. Here are the figures, as the Lord has provided very much already!
  • Airplane Tickets-$1800 (Milwaukee to Bucharest round trip)
  • Transportation Costs-$300
  • Travel Insurance-$250
  • Food- $50/month x 4=$200
  • Housing-$300
  • TOTAL for 4 months (tentatively August 19-December 19) = $2850
This could be much more, but the missionaries that are already working here are willing to cover some costs for me, so I can come serve alongside them as this is what God has called me to. �There is also a family who would be willing to let me live with them for FREE after September! �ALSO most of my food will be paid for!
Financially: I have opened up a PayPal account, which is probably one of the best ways to give for a mission such as this.  Because I am not going with an organization, I cannot open up an account with them, so this link is where you can donate whatever is put upon your heart by August 18th.
Here is the PayPal website:
Another way you can give is by sending checks written to me, Rachel Martin, at 416 Fairway Street, Mt. Horeb, WI  53572 by August 15th.
Spiritually: There are many things you can be praying about.
  • Finances
  • The spiritual atmosphere in Draganesti-Olt is very dark as many people do not know Christ,�
  • Relationships to grow in the name of Jesus.

I have enclosed a link to the ministry my team did in Romania. This is just a few of the options there are for Hope Church.
This is a link to the ministry in Draganesti-Olt and surrounding communities. I will be working with an established ministry to help them evangelize in Southern Romania.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
Thank you everyone for everything and for helping me do what God has called me to!
Love you!