Saturday, September 1, 2012

So, yeah...this is Real.

Hello everybody! 

We here in Draganesti-Olt are in need of prayer.  Not just now, but always.  Like my last blog said, there are hardly any Christians here and to be a Christian in Olt County is very trying and hard.  However, God never said it would be easy, but well worth it.

Prayer requests:
  • Protection-Please pray for protection over the missionaries.  They are physically safe, but they aren't respected the way missionaries are in the Western Christian World.  They are mocked occasionally and rejected quite often.
    • PRAY PRAY PRAY that they would see fruit of their labor.  There has been a couple baptisms in the last few weeks and this has brought much encouragement to the missionaries.
    • Pray for their outreaches.  That these blind eyes would be caught off guard, as they do not know where else to look but to those who love upon them regardless of their pasts.
  • Hope Church-This is where I'm working with.  Hope Church is the largest church of the ministry based in Draganesti-Olt, but there are many church planters on the missions team all throughout the country.  There are many programs with Hope Church and we just need help with workers.  We need people to come and be and the hands and feet of Christ.
  • Renewed Strength-I've only been here less than a week and I'm getting tired.  The spiritual atmosphere here is exhausting and it's hitting me already!  I need YOU to pray for strength in my bones to carry out what God has called me here to do.  I know I've been called here for the next 3 months, but there have been moments where I question why I am here.
    • Pray that God would give me vision for what to do here and what that looks like
    • Pray for my Romanian!  I want to know Romanian so that I can understand and communicate efficiently with those I want to talk to.
  • Boldness-The streets here are full of men and it's common in a small village like this to have lots of drunk men.  I'm not afraid of them or my safety, it's just when God gives me something to speak, that I would do that trusting that God will speak to them in their language.  It wouldn't be the first time He has done this with me.
  • Support-I still need close to $1000 more to be fully funded for this trip.  Please pray about contributing, as I am called here for these next few months!
Please send me a message as to how I can be praying for you!   --Rachel

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