Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Well, I'm here :)

Well, I'm here in Draganesti-Olt, Romania!  It's so bittersweet!  I never expected it to be the way it is, but I'm here because I was called here for 3 months.  It's so amazing and great to be back in a place where God did crazy things in my life 6 months ago.  However, it's strange to not have Z-squad with me as I sit in the room where I had my 2 hour long feedbacks with Team Ruach.  I know that I'm not the same girl that was here last time and I know I'm being called to walk that out without fear.  No hesitation, no God, show me what you have for me here this time around. 

There really hasn't been a whole lot that has happened since being here, but then again I've only been here for 2 days.  There's been a lot of resting!  A lot of down time to think of what God is calling me here for...and I can tell you, it's been a bit overwhelming, but it's time to buckle down to stay focused on those who need love.  I've experienced love in a way I can't express through Jesus Christ, but somehow (through his love) I can express that to those who haven't yet received it.  I don't know if you know the atmosphere of this place, but it's mainly Orthodox.  The area that I'm currently living in is 0.2% Christians as Christians are mocked and called "po-keets" (repenters) if they switch to having a relationship with Christ.  There are so many people here who think that Christianity is just another religion and don't understand the importance of the relationship with Christ-just like the United States.  They don't understand the "love factor."  They don't get it and I can't change their hearts on my own, but I can love them because I've been loved first.  I can show them what I have received and pray for them that they would start to understand why I'm here.  Lord, revival...let it break out! 

God has equipped me to come and speak without fear and shame to believe that a revival can break out of this place.  Those who believe in revival, please start praying for Draganesti-Olt, Romania, because these people are hurting...there's a huge apathy here that needs to change.  I want to see joy on their faces...not downcast expressions that suggest there's no point to life.  THERE'S A POINT TO LIFE!  You, Draganesti-Olt, were created to have purpose.  You were created to love and to be loved.  Receive it!  Know it!  Why don't you get it?  Why can't you see?  What's causing you to be blind to these things?  Oh, that it would be revealed to the missionaries and myself here in these next 3 months.

Please pray alongside us for Draganesti-Olt for eyes to be opened...that Christians just aren't crazy people, but that they are people who are learning how to be loved and from that give love to those who just don't know it.  Please pray that burn-out wouldn't happen.  That everyday we would get our energy from the Truth and from the Master.

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