Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Searchlight 101

Since Saturday, I have been in Gainesville, GA spending time with my squad and A-squad for something called Project Searchlight.  PSL has been so great!  I have learned so many things in this last 3 days about what God is calling me to for the future and I can't wait!  It's going to be sooo good!

Some things that God has been doing:

  • My lung is HEaled!
  • I was told that I possess something that others don't have.  We are all lights, but for some reason I stand out in a crowd.
  • Potentially opening up an orphanage?
  • Potentially opening up a Bible School within that orphanage?
So these are just some thoughts currently and I know they aren't fully together, but...God is working in some HUGE ways and this week has been challenging in asking me to step out of what I currently know.  But, it's also empowered me to step up and encourage others who don't know anything about their dreams to start looking at their passions and to start "dreaming."

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