Thursday, August 9, 2012

What to call this...Blessing

Since I've been home, God's been blowing things up out of proportion.  There is not one day that I've been home that I haven't seen some sort of blessing.  I could list all the things that God has done and frankly, I want to, so here we go.  Everyday has had its own blessing ranging from small to HUGE.  Some of those blessings were such as this, seeing support come in from people I really don't know.  I know about these people, but have never met them or have only spend a few days with them.  Other blessings have been God almost rewarding me for being faithful with going on The World Race, which can be another story of how i saw Him change my life.  But since I've been home, I have seen God in my relationships with family, friends, and even those that aren't in those groups.  He knows exactly what I need at the right time and some people may say they are coincedences, but believe me...there's no possible way these things could have happened by chance.
This blessing and encounter was what me made sure of God calling me back to Romania.  Tuesday, July 31st I went to Madison for a few appointments and check-ups (good old Central America...)  and afterwards, I decided I would stop by my church to see who all was around.  As I was walking into the church, I ran into one of my really good friends, Jon, which made my day.  But the crazier thing was this...I went into the office looking for my youth pastor and they said he was in a meeting, so I couldn't see him.  So I left the office figuring well I can see him later.  It's no I got in my car and started to drive out of the parking lot only to see my pastor loading up this car with a bunch of students sitting around next to it.  As I got out of the car, I noticed a Romanian flag on the back window of a van and understood that the youth team was getting ready to go to Romania.  This is funy and awesome, as I was getting ready to talk to Lief, the pastor, he saw me, gave me a hug and started to talk about Romania-where they were going, what they were going to be doing and the works.  He asked me the question of where I would be going and I answered with "Draganesti-Olt."  Lief responded that he knew this guy in the village I would be working in and how esteemed he was by Lief and our church...long story short, he was talking about Raul, the head pastor of the church I'll be working with when I go to Romania! 
This is where it gets even stranger.  Lief met Raul last July.  If I hadn't have gone to Training Camp, I would have gone to Romania and met this man.  Either way, it was bound to happen-that is me going to Romania and meeting Raul Costea, the head missionary and pastor there.  It's just crazy the connections that can be made and things happen or are said at the time they are needed to be said.  I think had I heard about Raul before getting to Romania, it wouldn't have made a whole lot of sense to me.  This situation with Lief just made sense.  I don't know how to put it in words and I understand that it might not sound all that big, but it is.  This was probably one of the biggest confirmations I have received from the Lord about having a support system-like my church sending me out.  Honestly, I've been praying for a church to claim me for long-term missions and I think I've got it!  Thank you Blackhawk Church for everything you have done for Draganesti-Olt, including sending money at Christmas to build wells for impoverished villages.
 Blackhawk Church, Madison WI                           Hope Church, Draganesti-Olt, Romania
I feel like that was my commissioning from my church "to go."  Matthew 28:18-20 says this.  "Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
I am being called back out to the nations.  I'm excited, I'm ready and I'm waiting for the rest of my support to come in.  I can't do this without finances.  I have to raise $2,500 preferably by August 18th and I have $1,000 pledged already.  Are you able to help me out?  Are you willing to help me out?  You may not see the results right away, but trust me, God will bless you for your willingness.  He always asks us to be willing and to trust Him in the times and places when it's hard.
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You can also give by writing a check to my address.  Please email me at to get the address!

 Thank you so much everyone!  You have done so much already and I'm so appreciative of what you have done!

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