Monday, September 10, 2012

I've got a SECRET! with Photos

So, I've got a secret and I can't hide it!   Remember me posting about Romania and how I was here Month 6?
Well, here it is:
So, like I just said I am here for 3 months to teach English to the missionaries.  The goal is for them to know 80% of English, so they can translate when there are teams that come that only speak English.  Many of them do not know enough English right now to be able to do this.  I would love to see them learn English and have the vocabulary and sentence structure to do so. 
Romania is definitely not the same it was when I was here before.  When I was here before, it was winter.  It was cold, maybe even colder than Wisconsin normally is.  It looked something like this:
Now it's completely different.  The streets are beautiful and even in terms of expectations, I expected things to be the same as they were with my team.  I don't know why I expected that, because I am here by myself doing ministry apart from the World Race.  However, I know understand why surrendering expectations is good.  Like you go-with-the-flow on the World Race and frankly, I want my life to be that way.  Thank you World Race for helping me get there!  Community wise, I expected it to be just like the World Race; it's not at all, however don't get me wrong.  The team of missionaries here is amazing!  I love each every one of them.  They are so encouraging and when I'm having a rough day, they are there to lift me up.  What I'm learning is that it's not easy being here.  Some days I feel like I'm bi-polar, because I have crazy high's and then really depressing lows, but I know I'm called here to speak into people. 
For the first week of being here, I kept on asking God why I was here.  What seemed like the overarching response was to teach English.  But the more and more I sat with Papa discussing what I'm to do, the more He kept revealing "use your voice."  See when I speak, stuff happens.  I see results not necessarily immediately, but fairly quickly.  So, I could either use my voice to declare praises or focus on where I don't feel good enough, where I'm frustrated and how I don't know if I'm called here long-term.  I know there's a reaction to everything I say.  But the more and more I reflect on what He's done within the last year, the more I see growth with my voice.  So what I am going to do is speak out truth over this place and see lives changed through encouragement.  Not many people here feel's the atmosphere of Romania.  This is not the way God wants it to be.  That's's been one of my prayers that people would see the love of Jesus and can't help but attend a service where the church is preaching about the love of God.  Where they feel compelled to come to a Christian church and see it click that they are loved and that they would feel that love for the first time in their lives.  I want to look like a crazy pokeets "repenter" who doesn't care what others have to say.  I want it to be known that I love Jesus so much that I don't allow others to affect my relationship with Christ, only strengthen it.
From rachelmartin.theworldrace.orgFrom
These are just some of the really cool people I get to hang out with everyday:
From rachelmartin.theworldrace.orgFrom
I will tell you this is happening.  I'm mocked, I'm rejected and it's hard...however, I know I can't run away from my God and my Savior.  I know that it has been His plan for me to come back for this time to pour in to the people with an undistracted love.  i don't really know what's coming from day to day, but I do know that I'm called here.   So with me saying this, I am in need of support still.  I don't know what your pocketbook looks like right now or what you are currently facing, but I do know that if I don't have the support to stay here, I can't stay here for the full 3 months.  It's been a challenge to not worry about finances, but if God has called me here for 3 months, He's going to provide for it also.  That He is doing and is going to do through you.  So, please spend time in prayer asking the Lord what am I supposed to do.
As I've been here, God's been speaking a lot.  I feel like these past two weeks have actually been more like 1 month, because so much has happened.  God is teaching me a lot and revealing to me my calling and what that looks like.  It hurts my heart to see people who are living pretending that they are living for God, yet so distracted by the world's standards.  --Please sit down in prayer and ask the Lord for understanding of what Your call is.  What are you supposed to do for His Kingdom today?  Is it praying about a country in Africa or is it going over to your elderly next door neighbor and blessing her with a home-made cake?  I do not know and that's for God to reveal to you, but if you hear Him tell you something, do it.  Do not run away from His voice-ultimately, you can't.
Prayer Requests
1.  Support- *If you are interested in donating, you can either donate online at
or...message me on this blog with your email address and i will send you the address where I can receive checks.
2.  Open hearts
3.  Open heart of mine to know when to speak and when not to.
I am praying for big things here and I ask you for you to partner alongside me in this!
One last picture!  This is where I'm staying :) 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

So, yeah...this is Real.

Hello everybody! 

We here in Draganesti-Olt are in need of prayer.  Not just now, but always.  Like my last blog said, there are hardly any Christians here and to be a Christian in Olt County is very trying and hard.  However, God never said it would be easy, but well worth it.

Prayer requests:
  • Protection-Please pray for protection over the missionaries.  They are physically safe, but they aren't respected the way missionaries are in the Western Christian World.  They are mocked occasionally and rejected quite often.
    • PRAY PRAY PRAY that they would see fruit of their labor.  There has been a couple baptisms in the last few weeks and this has brought much encouragement to the missionaries.
    • Pray for their outreaches.  That these blind eyes would be caught off guard, as they do not know where else to look but to those who love upon them regardless of their pasts.
  • Hope Church-This is where I'm working with.  Hope Church is the largest church of the ministry based in Draganesti-Olt, but there are many church planters on the missions team all throughout the country.  There are many programs with Hope Church and we just need help with workers.  We need people to come and be and the hands and feet of Christ.
  • Renewed Strength-I've only been here less than a week and I'm getting tired.  The spiritual atmosphere here is exhausting and it's hitting me already!  I need YOU to pray for strength in my bones to carry out what God has called me here to do.  I know I've been called here for the next 3 months, but there have been moments where I question why I am here.
    • Pray that God would give me vision for what to do here and what that looks like
    • Pray for my Romanian!  I want to know Romanian so that I can understand and communicate efficiently with those I want to talk to.
  • Boldness-The streets here are full of men and it's common in a small village like this to have lots of drunk men.  I'm not afraid of them or my safety, it's just when God gives me something to speak, that I would do that trusting that God will speak to them in their language.  It wouldn't be the first time He has done this with me.
  • Support-I still need close to $1000 more to be fully funded for this trip.  Please pray about contributing, as I am called here for these next few months!
Please send me a message as to how I can be praying for you!   --Rachel

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Well, I'm here :)

Well, I'm here in Draganesti-Olt, Romania!  It's so bittersweet!  I never expected it to be the way it is, but I'm here because I was called here for 3 months.  It's so amazing and great to be back in a place where God did crazy things in my life 6 months ago.  However, it's strange to not have Z-squad with me as I sit in the room where I had my 2 hour long feedbacks with Team Ruach.  I know that I'm not the same girl that was here last time and I know I'm being called to walk that out without fear.  No hesitation, no God, show me what you have for me here this time around. 

There really hasn't been a whole lot that has happened since being here, but then again I've only been here for 2 days.  There's been a lot of resting!  A lot of down time to think of what God is calling me here for...and I can tell you, it's been a bit overwhelming, but it's time to buckle down to stay focused on those who need love.  I've experienced love in a way I can't express through Jesus Christ, but somehow (through his love) I can express that to those who haven't yet received it.  I don't know if you know the atmosphere of this place, but it's mainly Orthodox.  The area that I'm currently living in is 0.2% Christians as Christians are mocked and called "po-keets" (repenters) if they switch to having a relationship with Christ.  There are so many people here who think that Christianity is just another religion and don't understand the importance of the relationship with Christ-just like the United States.  They don't understand the "love factor."  They don't get it and I can't change their hearts on my own, but I can love them because I've been loved first.  I can show them what I have received and pray for them that they would start to understand why I'm here.  Lord, revival...let it break out! 

God has equipped me to come and speak without fear and shame to believe that a revival can break out of this place.  Those who believe in revival, please start praying for Draganesti-Olt, Romania, because these people are hurting...there's a huge apathy here that needs to change.  I want to see joy on their faces...not downcast expressions that suggest there's no point to life.  THERE'S A POINT TO LIFE!  You, Draganesti-Olt, were created to have purpose.  You were created to love and to be loved.  Receive it!  Know it!  Why don't you get it?  Why can't you see?  What's causing you to be blind to these things?  Oh, that it would be revealed to the missionaries and myself here in these next 3 months.

Please pray alongside us for Draganesti-Olt for eyes to be opened...that Christians just aren't crazy people, but that they are people who are learning how to be loved and from that give love to those who just don't know it.  Please pray that burn-out wouldn't happen.  That everyday we would get our energy from the Truth and from the Master.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Searchlight 101

Since Saturday, I have been in Gainesville, GA spending time with my squad and A-squad for something called Project Searchlight.  PSL has been so great!  I have learned so many things in this last 3 days about what God is calling me to for the future and I can't wait!  It's going to be sooo good!

Some things that God has been doing:

  • My lung is HEaled!
  • I was told that I possess something that others don't have.  We are all lights, but for some reason I stand out in a crowd.
  • Potentially opening up an orphanage?
  • Potentially opening up a Bible School within that orphanage?
So these are just some thoughts currently and I know they aren't fully together, but...God is working in some HUGE ways and this week has been challenging in asking me to step out of what I currently know.  But, it's also empowered me to step up and encourage others who don't know anything about their dreams to start looking at their passions and to start "dreaming."

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Starting Anew

It's about time, I must say.  It's a time of renewal and starting new.

When I got off The World Race, I felt what some Racers would call "burn-out."  Now, I don't think it was because of ministry. I wouldn't be going to Romania if I was burned out from ministry.  Let's be honest here, if we are burned out by ministry, what's the reason for that?  We are called to do ministry our entire lives.   This may sound a bit cocky, but ministry makes sense for me and my life.  When God called me to do missions work, I was 20 years old.  Since before I was actually following the Lord truly, I had enjoyed investing in lives and trying to help those individuals find meaning for their existence. 

So since ministry wasn't it, what could it be?  I was burned out from trying to do things on my own.  I'll be honest and say I struggle with trying to do and take things into my control.  It is a weakness, but thankfully it's in a process that God is bringing me through.  It's hard, but if I want to become a true Christian willing to endure hardship for His name, I will surrender to His will, not my own.  I will become closer to Him, because He's so good to me.

Just recently God was asking me to recheck my heart with returning to Romania.  He asked me "Rachel, are you going to Romania to do things through your hands or MINE?  Are you surrendering your heart and your life into my plans?"  This happened because I was so focused in my thoughts and was ignoring His.  I want His thoughts, His eyes and His hands for this nation of Romania!  I don't want to see through my eyes, because my eyes can't see what needs Him fully.  They can only see a piece of the puzzle.  I don't want to act out of my so-called love, I want to act out of His.  I want to be His love for a generation that knows nothing about Him, for a people who have been so hurt by others that they don't know how to receive this love that we preach.  But do we live it out?  Do we really appreciate this love that God has for us, because I feel like sometimes we get distracted by doing things out of works and trying to keep ourselves busy, because it's our "Christian Duty." 

I do not want to start Romania this way.  Actually, I refuse to start Romania this way!  I see no point going to a country if I'm solely focused on my agenda and a detailed itinerary of "what-to-do's."  Lord, that you would have your way in my life.  My prayer is that this next week as I prepare to be sent out that I would not worry about what's to come, how I'm going to raise the rest of the support I need, and other things of the such.  If God is calling me to this place for this time, He's going to perfect every single detail.

"Why worry, Rachel?  I have called you to this.  Do you trust me that I know what I'm doing?"
*This song hits home to me.*

Thursday, August 9, 2012

What to call this...Blessing

Since I've been home, God's been blowing things up out of proportion.  There is not one day that I've been home that I haven't seen some sort of blessing.  I could list all the things that God has done and frankly, I want to, so here we go.  Everyday has had its own blessing ranging from small to HUGE.  Some of those blessings were such as this, seeing support come in from people I really don't know.  I know about these people, but have never met them or have only spend a few days with them.  Other blessings have been God almost rewarding me for being faithful with going on The World Race, which can be another story of how i saw Him change my life.  But since I've been home, I have seen God in my relationships with family, friends, and even those that aren't in those groups.  He knows exactly what I need at the right time and some people may say they are coincedences, but believe me...there's no possible way these things could have happened by chance.
This blessing and encounter was what me made sure of God calling me back to Romania.  Tuesday, July 31st I went to Madison for a few appointments and check-ups (good old Central America...)  and afterwards, I decided I would stop by my church to see who all was around.  As I was walking into the church, I ran into one of my really good friends, Jon, which made my day.  But the crazier thing was this...I went into the office looking for my youth pastor and they said he was in a meeting, so I couldn't see him.  So I left the office figuring well I can see him later.  It's no I got in my car and started to drive out of the parking lot only to see my pastor loading up this car with a bunch of students sitting around next to it.  As I got out of the car, I noticed a Romanian flag on the back window of a van and understood that the youth team was getting ready to go to Romania.  This is funy and awesome, as I was getting ready to talk to Lief, the pastor, he saw me, gave me a hug and started to talk about Romania-where they were going, what they were going to be doing and the works.  He asked me the question of where I would be going and I answered with "Draganesti-Olt."  Lief responded that he knew this guy in the village I would be working in and how esteemed he was by Lief and our church...long story short, he was talking about Raul, the head pastor of the church I'll be working with when I go to Romania! 
This is where it gets even stranger.  Lief met Raul last July.  If I hadn't have gone to Training Camp, I would have gone to Romania and met this man.  Either way, it was bound to happen-that is me going to Romania and meeting Raul Costea, the head missionary and pastor there.  It's just crazy the connections that can be made and things happen or are said at the time they are needed to be said.  I think had I heard about Raul before getting to Romania, it wouldn't have made a whole lot of sense to me.  This situation with Lief just made sense.  I don't know how to put it in words and I understand that it might not sound all that big, but it is.  This was probably one of the biggest confirmations I have received from the Lord about having a support system-like my church sending me out.  Honestly, I've been praying for a church to claim me for long-term missions and I think I've got it!  Thank you Blackhawk Church for everything you have done for Draganesti-Olt, including sending money at Christmas to build wells for impoverished villages.
 Blackhawk Church, Madison WI                           Hope Church, Draganesti-Olt, Romania
I feel like that was my commissioning from my church "to go."  Matthew 28:18-20 says this.  "Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
I am being called back out to the nations.  I'm excited, I'm ready and I'm waiting for the rest of my support to come in.  I can't do this without finances.  I have to raise $2,500 preferably by August 18th and I have $1,000 pledged already.  Are you able to help me out?  Are you willing to help me out?  You may not see the results right away, but trust me, God will bless you for your willingness.  He always asks us to be willing and to trust Him in the times and places when it's hard.
To give online, select this and paste in another window: 
You can also give by writing a check to my address.  Please email me at to get the address!

 Thank you so much everyone!  You have done so much already and I'm so appreciative of what you have done!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Going Back to Romania, Friends!

Hello Everyone!
Thank you for everything you have done to help me with The World Race. Currently, I am on Month 11 in Nicaragua with my whole squad and after this month, I will be traveling to Nicaragua. I cannot express how much I appreciate how you have blessed me! �Because of the support you have given me, both financially and through prayer, I have been able to give it back to those I come in contact with. Thank you for everything!
Gypsy Children in Stoenesti, 15 mins from Draganesti � � � � � � � � � � Costea Family-Main Missionaries in Draganesti
From rachelmartin.theworldrace.orgFrom
As many of you may know, I came on The World Race to find where God was calling me long-term. I believe I have found that, but would like to be sure before I go long-term. Here are the details: I will be working in Draganesti-Olt, Romania, for 4 months, starting at the end of August, 2.5 weeks after I finish the World Race. �Draganesti-Olt currently has around 12,300 people, in which only 0.2% of the people are Bible-believing Christians. I will fly to Romania to work with the ministry I partnered with on my race Month 6 called "Hope Church" on August 25th. Hope Church is centered in the heart of the town, and the mission of Hope Church is for the Romanian people to see the love of Jesus. There are many branches to the ministry, but my specific ministry would be teaching English and working with gypsy children in villages outside of town. While I was there, I started an English program and would like to continue that.
I am NOT going with Adventures in Missions. I am going out on my own relying on the Lord for my support and help. Here are the figures, as the Lord has provided very much already!
  • Airplane Tickets-$1800 (Milwaukee to Bucharest round trip)
  • Transportation Costs-$300
  • Travel Insurance-$250
  • Food- $50/month x 4=$200
  • Housing-$300
  • TOTAL for 4 months (tentatively August 19-December 19) = $2850
This could be much more, but the missionaries that are already working here are willing to cover some costs for me, so I can come serve alongside them as this is what God has called me to. �There is also a family who would be willing to let me live with them for FREE after September! �ALSO most of my food will be paid for!
Financially: I have opened up a PayPal account, which is probably one of the best ways to give for a mission such as this.  Because I am not going with an organization, I cannot open up an account with them, so this link is where you can donate whatever is put upon your heart by August 18th.
Here is the PayPal website:
Another way you can give is by sending checks written to me, Rachel Martin, at 416 Fairway Street, Mt. Horeb, WI  53572 by August 15th.
Spiritually: There are many things you can be praying about.
  • Finances
  • The spiritual atmosphere in Draganesti-Olt is very dark as many people do not know Christ,�
  • Relationships to grow in the name of Jesus.

I have enclosed a link to the ministry my team did in Romania. This is just a few of the options there are for Hope Church.
This is a link to the ministry in Draganesti-Olt and surrounding communities. I will be working with an established ministry to help them evangelize in Southern Romania.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
Thank you everyone for everything and for helping me do what God has called me to!
Love you!